The Shareware Schmooze was originally conceived by Bill Sturgell in 1996 as an informal get-together for anyone with an interest in shareware. It is officially scheduled for two days, but usually lasts four (what with all the arriving early and leaving late that goes on). There is no structure, no schedule, no annoying sales weenies hollering from their booths. People come and go at will, doing whatever they feel like doing :-) However, underneath all this apparent frivolity things really do happen - to quote Bill, "...there is a lot of networking and socializing. Many deals are made, many tips are exchanged, and most everyone accomplishes something to help their business." (It's true!) In 1999, Bill asked me to take over running the Schmooze... I did four of 'em - off to Austin in 2003! 1996 Schmooze (original Blue Collar site) The Columbus Schmooze is hosted by....
Email about the Schmooze should be directed to Dave Gjessing at WaverlyStreet